Table of Contents
The rasterVis
package complements the raster
and the terra
packages, providing a set of methods for enhanced visualization and
interaction. It defines visualization methods for quantitative data
and categorical data, with levelplot
, both for univariate and
multivariate rasters.
It also includes several methods in the frame of the Exploratory Data
Analysis approach: scatterplots with xyplot
, histograms and density
plots with histogram
and densityplot
, violin and boxplots with
, and a matrix of scatterplots with splom
On the other hand, rasterVis
provides three methods to display
spatiotemporal rasters: hovmoller
produces Hovmöller diagrams,
creates horizon graphs, with many time series displayed
in parallel, and xyplot
displays conventional time series plots
extracted from a multilayer raster.
Finally, this package is able to display vector fields using arrows,
, or with streamlines, streamplot
This webpage illustrates some functionalities with examples. If you need more information, you may be interested in my book “Displaying Time Series, Spatial, and Space-Time Data with R”. It includes four chapters devoted to the visualization of spatial and spatiotemporal raster data. Along with the main graphics from the text, its website offers access to the datasets used in the examples as well as the full R code.
The stable release of rasterVis
can be found at CRAN. The
development version is at GitHub.
Install the stable version with:
You can install the development version with the remotes package:
or with the devtools package:
Level plots
This section discusses how to display quantitative data with
with an example using data from the CM SAF project, as
described here.
library(raster) library(rasterVis) ##Solar irradiation data from CMSAF old <- setwd(tempdir()) download.file('https://raw.github.com/oscarperpinan/spacetime-vis/master/data/SISmm2008_CMSAF.zip', 'SISmm2008_CMSAF.zip', method='wget') unzip('SISmm2008_CMSAF.zip') listFich <- dir(pattern='\\.nc') stackSIS <- stack(listFich) stackSIS <- stackSIS * 24 ##from irradiance (W/m2) to irradiation Wh/m2 idx <- seq(as.Date('2008-01-15'), as.Date('2008-12-15'), 'month') SISmm <- setZ(stackSIS, idx) names(SISmm) <- month.abb setwd(old)
Once the Rasterstack
has been defined, it can be displayed easily
with levelplot
. Each panel of the graphic shows a layer of the
object using a trellis chart or small-multiple
If only one layer is chosen, this method displays two marginal plots,
the row and column summaries of the RasterLayer
, computed with the
function defined by the component FUN
of the list margin
(which uses mean
as default value):
levelplot(SISmm, layers = 1, margin = list(FUN = 'median'), contour=TRUE)
Overlay plots
The result of the last call is a trellis
object. The latticeExtra package
provides the layer
function to add contents. For example, let’s add the administrative borders.
This information is available at the GADM service.
library(maptools) proj <- CRS('+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84') ##Modify next line to your folder mapaSHP <- readShapeLines('/home/datos/ESP_adm/ESP_adm2.shp', proj4string=proj) p <- levelplot(SISmm, layers=1, margin = list(FUN = median)) p + layer(sp.lines(mapaSHP, lwd=0.8, col='darkgray'))
A similar approach can be used to overlay several level plots. The solution uses the +.trellis
mechanism implemented in latticeExtra
. Let’s create two different RasterLayer
f <- system.file("external/test.grd", package="raster") r <- raster(f) r0 <- init(r, fun = rnorm)
… and create two levelplots with different color palettes:
p0 <- levelplot(r0, par.settings = GrTheme) p1 <- levelplot(r, par.settings = magmaTheme)
These plots can be easily combined using +
(the first plot sets the color scale):
p0 + p1
The function as.layer
with under = TRUE
must be used in order to show the other color scale:
p1 + as.layer(p0, under = TRUE)
Log scale
The zscaleLog
argument controls whether the object will be log
transformed before being passed to the panel function. Defaults to
‘NULL’, in which case the Raster* is not transformed. Other possible
values are any number that works as a base for taking logarithm,
‘TRUE’ (which is equivalent to 10), and ‘“e”’ (for the natural
logarithm). As a side effect, the colorkey is labeled differently.
f <- system.file("external/test.grd", package="raster") r <- raster(f) levelplot(r^2, zscaleLog=TRUE, contour=TRUE)
The previous plots used the default theme of rasterVis,
, using the magma
palette provided by the viridisLite
package. The other palettes provided by this package are available
through the viridisTheme
, infernoTheme
, and plasmaTheme
functions. Besides, YlOrRdTheme
, BuRdTheme
, RdBuTheme
, GrTheme
, and BTCTheme
are variations of rasterTheme
using palettes
of the RColorBrewer
and hexbin
packages. Let’s try them with an example:
The irradiation of August is:
Aug <- raster(SISmm, 8)
and its overall mean is calculated with cellStats:
meanAug <- cellStats(Aug, mean)
The RdBuTheme
diverging palette is specially well suited to this data:
levelplot(Aug - meanAug, par.settings = RdBuTheme)
Besides, it is easy to define a new theme with a different palette. For example, using a sequential palette from colorspace:
library(colorspace) myTheme <- rasterTheme(region=sequential_hcl(10, power=2.2)) levelplot(Aug, par.settings = myTheme, contour = TRUE)
or with the colour-blindness corrections from the dichromat package:
library(dichromat) myTheme <- rasterTheme(region = dichromat(terrain.colors(15))) levelplot(Aug, par.settings = myTheme)
Categorical data
A raster that contains categorical data can be defined with the ratify
r <- raster(nrow=10, ncol=10) r[] = 1 r[51:100] = 3 r[3:6, 1:5] = 5 r <- ratify(r)
The levels are stored in the “Raster Attribute Table” (RAT) that can be manipulated with the levels
rat <- levels(r)[[1]] rat$landcover <- c('Pine', 'Oak', 'Meadow') rat$class <- c('A1', 'B2', 'C3') levels(r) <- rat
Such type of rasters are easily displayed with levelplot
levelplot(r, col.regions=c('palegreen', 'midnightblue', 'indianred1'))
You can choose the variable (column) from the RAT with the att
levelplot(r, att='class', col.regions=c('palegreen', 'midnightblue', 'indianred1'))
Scatterplots and histograms
There are methods to show scatter plots and hexbin plots of the layers
and coordinates of a Raster
##Relation between the January & February versus July radiation for four ##differents longitude regions. xyplot(Jan+Feb~Jul|cut(x, 4), data = SISmm, auto.key = list(space='right'))
##Faster with hexbinplot hexbinplot(Jan~Jul|cut(x, 6), data = SISmm)
…a method for scatter plot matrices:
..and methods for histograms, box-and-whisker and violin plots or density estimates:
These methods accept a FUN
argument to be applied to the z
slot of
the Raster
object. The result of this function is used as the grouping
variable of the plot:
histogram(SISmm, FUN = as.yearqtr)
Space-time plots
The z
slot of this Raster
object stores a time index. This 3D
space-time Raster
object can be displayed with a hovmoller diagram.
The hovmoller
method uses the function xyLayer
, which creates a
from a function of the coordinates.
f <- system.file("external/test.grd", package = "raster") r <- raster(f) dirXY <- xyLayer(r, sqrt(x^2 + y^2), vector = FALSE) dirXY
For example, the next code builds a hovmoller diagram showing the time evolution of the anomalies of Sea Surface Temperature data available from the Climate Analysis Center (more information here):
library(zoo) old <- setwd(tempdir()) download.file('http://iridl.ldeo.columbia.edu/SOURCES/.CAC/.sst/data.nc', destfile = 'SST.nc') SST <- stack('SST.nc') idx <- seq(as.Date('1970-01-01'), as.Date('2003-03-01'), by='month') tt <- as.yearmon(idx) SST <- setZ(SST, tt) names(SST) <- as.character(tt) ## Extract month value from a Date or yearmon object month <- function(x)format(x, '%m') ## Compute anomaly using monthly grouping with ave anomaly <- function(x){ ## Monthly means mm <- ave(x, month(tt), FUN = mean) ## Monthly standard deviation msd <- ave(x, month(tt), FUN = sd) ## anomaly (x - mm)/msd } ## Use anomaly with calc SSTanom <- calc(SST, anomaly) SSTanom <- setZ(SSTanom, tt) setwd(old)
## Ok, let's see the result hovmoller(SSTanom, at = seq(-3, 3, .25), panel = panel.levelplot.raster, interpolate = TRUE, yscale.components = yscale.raster.subticks, par.settings = BuRdTheme)
The horizonplot
and xyplot
methods also are useful for the space-time Raster
col.regions = rev(brewer.pal(n = 10, 'RdBu')))
Vector field plots
The function terrain
from raster
provides the vector field
(gradient) from a scalar field stored in a RasterLayer
object. The
magnitude (slope) and direction (aspect) of the vector field is
usually displayed with a set of arrows (e.g. quiver
in Matlab).
includes a method, vectorplot
, to calculate and display
this vector field.
proj <- CRS('+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84') df <- expand.grid(x = seq(-2, 2, .01), y = seq(-2, 2, .01)) df$z <- with(df, (3*x^2 + y)*exp(-x^2-y^2)) r <- rasterFromXYZ(df, crs=proj)
vectorplot(r, par.settings=RdBuTheme())
If the Raster*
object passed to vectorplot
is a
vector field (isField=TRUE
), the terrain
calculation is
An alternative method to display a vector field plots streamlines
along the field lines. Streamlines, a family of curves that are
tangent to the vector field, show the direction an element
(droplet) will follow under the effect of the field.
displays streamlines with a procedure inspired
by the FROLIC algorithm: for each point
(droplet) of a jittered regular grid, a short streamline
portion (streamlet) is calculated by integrating the
underlying vector field at that point. The main color of each
streamlet indicates local vector magnitude
). Besides, streamlets are composed of points whose sizes,
positions and color degradation encode the local vector direction
accepts two arguments (droplets
and streamlets
to control the number of droplets, the length of the streamlets
and the streamlet calculation step. The streamlet colour
palette and the panel background color are defined with an
specific theme for streamplot
, streamTheme
. The default
options can be changed easily:
df$z <- with(df, sqrt(x^2 + y^2)) df$phi <- with(df, atan2(-y, x)) r2 <- rasterFromXYZ(df, crs=proj) streamplot(r2, isField=TRUE, streamlet=list(L=30), droplet=list(pc=.3), par.settings=streamTheme(symbol=brewer.pal(n=5, name='Reds')))
This package includes two functions to interact with the trellis
The identifyRaster
method labels and returns points of a trellis graphic
according to mouse clicks. It is commonly used after levelplot
although it can be also used after xyplot
, hexbinplot
or even splom
levelplot(SISmm) ## Do not close the last graphical window. Use the left button of the ## mouse to identify points and the right button to finish chosen <- identifyRaster(SISmm, layer=3, values=TRUE)
The chooseRegion
function provides a set of points (in the form of a
object) inside a region defined by several mouse
clicks. Use the left button of the mouse to build a border with points, and
the right button to finish. The points enclosed by the border will
be highlighted and returned as a SpatialPoints object.
reg <- chooseRegion()